Feeling Agitated? Try this.

I know that God is with me and that He’s in charge of my life. But this morning my circumstances made it look like He wasn’t even in the same country

I went to bed last night feeling agitated. Conflicts with two people about two different issues had been bugging me all week. But with it being back-to-school week for my kids, I didn’t take the time nor the energy to deal with my issues in a constructive way.

Unfortunately, by not addressing the problems with a calm conflict resolution, they started to fester like an infected scrape. I lie in bed with my head on the pillow, feeling emotional pain and anger. A disturbed, restless feeling came over me and would not go away. Talking through both issues with my husband helped me sort through why I was upset, but it didn’t relieve the irritation.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like an angry old man had taken over my emotions. His grumpiness was trying to close in on me. But I got out of bed and fixed the kids breakfast before school, determined not to let that foul mood win. I then drove to the gym thinking exercise would help. As I walked into the gym, the right side of my shoe hit the sidewalk, but the other half went down into the dirt. I got caught off balance and fell on my hands and one knee on the sidewalk. Ouch!

I haven’t fallen and scraped my knee since I was a kid!
ScrapedKneeWhen I got up and wiped my hands and knees, the frustration I’d been feeling all week came out in tears. I walked right past the front door of the gym, feeling like I wanted to run away and cry, or at least go back to my car and sulk. But somehow I got myself together.I turned around, took a deep breath, and went in. I competed a shorter workout today, listening to upbeat praise music on my iPhone.

And here’s what turned me around completely: The song “Greater” by Mercy Me. The lyrics started washing over me like a soothing balm. I played the song over and over again as I drove home, using it as a prayer. As I sang it out loud, I began to be transformed and lifted out of the muck.

HeWhoIsInYouIsGreaterBy the time I got home, I was feeling better, no longer overwhelmed by the conflicts. I now feel confident that with God’s wisdom and guidance, I can handle them with grace.

Next time I’m feeling agitated, I’m going to TRY THIS…sooner!

#1 – Recognize the lies of the evil one and refuse to latch on to those negative thoughts. I realize now that thoughts would pop up in my head about how those two people were being unreasonable and selfish, and how I was being victimized. Although there was a bit of truth to that, I latched onto those thoughts as if they were 100% truth, which then initiated feelings of anger towards both people. That anger escalated and grew into agitation.

#2 – Ask someone you trust to pray with you, especially before going to sleep. It would have helped if I had asked my husband to pray with me last night after our chat.

When angry, do not sin; 

do not ever let your wrath

last until the sun goes down.

Ephesians 4:26 


#3 – Sing praise music to combat grumpy, agitated feelings and to get centered with the Lord.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving 

and his courts with praise;

 give thanks to him and praise his name.

 Psalm 100:4

#4 – Remember that God will never leave you nor forsake you. If you start to feel that way, recognize it as a lie and read this truth from scripture out loud.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10




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