Tagged: battle

3 Strategies for Chronic Battles

Some of us have been fighting a battle for a very long time, and it’s starting to wear us down to a nub. Life has been very stressful, whether it be from a chronic...

The Best Strategies for Every Challenge

Today, the challenges and trials I’m facing feel like a battle ground. These problems are way too big for me to solve alone, and they have a depth to them that’s beyond my capacity....

Struggling with a Sugar Addiction

My addiction to sugar used to be so bad, I would hide candy in my sock drawer. I tried to stop eating it, but the cravings kept coming. I’d tell myself, “just one Toosie...

Praise in the Midst of the Battle

In Exodus 17, Moses climbed to the top of a hill with Aaron and Hur while Joshua and the Israelites fought the Amalekites. With his staff in hand, Moses raised his arms and saw...