Do You REALLY Understand Who Lives Inside of You?

Even though we as believers have the Holy Spirit living inside us, most of us don’t live as if that’s true. Think about this for a minute. We have Emmanuel, God with us, living inside us all the time! 24/7. THE Almighty God. The Omnipotent One. The Creator of the universe. But do we act like it? Most of the time we don’t.

When we’re faced with huge obstacles, we get depressed, fearful, or disappointed. The world will tell you that’s normal, but as Christians, we should be able to rise above those distressing thoughts. Because if we really understood who it is that lives inside of us and the power that we have at our disposal, we would not be afraid of anyone or let anything get us down. We’d be loving people, moving mountains, and slaying giants left and right!

I was meditating on this concept and talking about it with loved ones, because this is one thing I’d really like to know deep in my heart. Then last week when I was practicing listening to God, I asked the Lord to show me what’s on His heart for a friend’s husband who is seriously ill. I heard nothing for two days. On the third day when I asked again, I heard words in my head as if Jesus was speaking to him about this one thing.

I pray you, too, will be blessed by these words of encouragement.

Rest My child.
Rest in Me. (Heb. 3:19-4:2)
Do not let thoughts from the enemy trouble you.
I AM with you.
If you truly believe I have come,
that I died for you,
that I rose from the dead to free you from sin and death,
if you truly believe I am the Son of God,
and that I am Emmanuel who is WITH you,
then what could you possibly be afraid of?
Am I not greater than Satan? (1 John 4:4)
Did I not conquer death and Hades? (Rev. 1:18)
I have the keys of the kingdom (Rev. 1:18, Mt. 16:19)
and I live inside of you!
What do you have to fear?
I LOVE you. You!
You are my Beloved child.
Rest in Me.

Throw off all thoughts that try to set themselves up against my Word.
Take every thought captive. Don’t believe Satan’s lies;
they’re just a bunch of hot air. (2 Cor. 10:4-6)
Think about ME.
Gaze on my goodness.
Daydream about my throne room and your position
seated with me in heavenly realms. (Eph. 2:6)
Allow your thoughts of me to grown and expand to fill your days.
This will shrink the enemy’s piddly darts and render them ineffective.
You are mine.
Set your gaze on Me.

I know things are hard for you right now.
Focus on my Word and feed on my spiritual food.
I will satisfy your hungry soul with bread from heaven.
Drink the water that I give you from My Word.
My Words will quench your thirst like no other water can;
My Word saturates your parched soul and reaches deep into your bones,
for I am the true Bread of Life and the True Living Water.
So do not fear, Beloved.
Rest in Me.
Trust in Me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

It’s time to gaze on God’s throne, evict the enemy, and do what the Lord is calling us to do. I pray God will bless you with the truth of who He really is and that He will move that knowledge from your head to your heart (and mine).


The minute you commit your life to Jesus Christ, He immediately (1) gives you the gift of the Holy Spirit who lives inside you to guide you into all truth and to sanctify you day by day. (2) He also gives you a clean slate by forgiving you of everything you’ve ever done. This may sound too good to be true, but it IS true! I’m living proof as are countless others. And, (3) He guarantees you the gift of eternal life so you can know without a doubt where you will go when you die on earth.


God doesn’t force us to have a relationship with Him or with Jesus—The choice to follow Jesus is yours. No matter where you are on your journey, God longs for you to step closer to Him. I invite you to pray one or more of these prayers so you can experience more of God’s Presence in your life.

  1. Prayer for God to Become Real

Dear God – Part of me knows you are a real divine being who wants to have a relationship with me. Another part of me isn’t sure you actually exist or care about me because of the way my life has turned out. So God, please make yourself real to me? Amen.

  1. Prayer to Surrender Your Life to Jesus

Dear God – I believe Jesus is Your Son who died on the cross and took the punishment I deserve so I could be forgiven and receive eternal life. I believe you raised Jesus from the dead. I know I have sinned and there is nothing I can do to earn my salvation. I surrender my life to you and I receive Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Amen.

  1. Prayer to Renew Your Connection to Jesus

Dear Jesus – Thank you for redeeming me through your death and resurrection. I want to experience more of you, Jesus, so I surrender my life to you again. Show me areas I’m trying to manage without your guidance (school, job, finances, health, spouse, children, etc.). Teach me how to release these to you and forgive me for relying on myself and not including you in my life. You are the author and perfecter of my faith. Increase my faith in you. Refresh my spirit, soul, and body so I can follow you even closer. Amen.

God bless you!

Dove drawing by Bill Aparisi








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