What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Spiritual Flood

The other day as I was journaling, God interrupted my thoughts and started speaking to me about floods.

Here’s what I wrote on 2/15/17:

It’s been raining like crazy here in California. Some areas north and south of the Bay Area are flooded.

I’m also feeling flooded by the Holy Spirit’s power and goodness. So many good things are happening, amazing prayers are being answered, and its hard for me to keep up. I want to write it all down, but I don’t have time to write everything and still do my normal day-to-day activities.

Flood at Pacheco Pass, Gilroy, CA, February 11, 2017

Suddenly, God interrupted with this:

When there are floods, people don’t do everything they usually do. Their PRIORITIES are reset. They do only what’s most important.

That’s what you need to do in these days.

RESET your priorities.

Don’t be as meticulous about journaling and keeping up with writing the stories. Write bullet points.

I don’t want you to miss more blessings because you are trying to stay in your old way of operating.

Yes, I’m doing something NEW with you, too.

Make the necessary adjustments!

His words resonated with me and made so much sense. After writing this, I went out for a walk at the park behind my house.

When I came back, I heard Him say…

God: Now that you know in your heart that I’m talking to you all the time, there’s no way you’ll be able to write all of My words. Just sayin’.   – Abba

Me: I have to write that down! Ha! Yes, I know that’s ironic! But this one I do have to write down. 😉

Flood at Pacheco Pass, Gilroy, Ca, Feb. 11, 2017

As I was pondering everything God had said, He spoke again:

The disciples in Scripture experienced a flood of the Holy Spirit when Jesus started His ministry and another one at and after Pentecost.

I was flooding their atmosphere, flooding their lives with My Presence.

I’m doing the same thing now with My people who have been pursuing Me, crying out and hungering for more.

I am about to flood the earth again with My Presence.

This is why repentance is so important. Because those who are repenting (confessing their sins and transforming the way they act and think by renewing their minds), those will be able to ride the rapids of My river as it gushes forth.

My people will have a party in the flood waters, splashing, playing and giving away gifts. They’ll be celebrating and enjoying My Presence.

Others who fear My Spirit may feel lost and overwhelmed and frightened. But just reach out your hand, beloved, and pull them into the boat with you. This won’t be like the flood of Noah’s days where only a few are saved. Even as waters fall from heaven and rise on the earth, I will call more to climb aboard to receive Me and join in My work.

Remind my people to repent. But also teach them how to repent, how to renew and transform their minds, and to focus on Me.

Only I know all.
Only I can lead them out of their present darkness.
Teach them to host My Presence.

I love all people.
I want none to perish.

Go and make disciples of all nations.
Call them forth to Me.
– Abba Father

A Prophetic Dream?

After I reread God’s words to me, I remembered a dream I had more than ten years ago about a giant tidal wave coming to my city from the north. The white wave was so big I could see it coming from where I was standing. It was about a mile high. As it came, many of us were able to ride the wave. But some could not. I’ve always thought the wave in that dream represented the Holy Spirit coming in strength and power to the San Francisco Bay Area. I hope and pray that is the case.

Not hearing God Yet?  Don’t Give Up!

Friend, know this: God is speaking to us all the time. It’s up to us to slow down and take the time to listen to His voice, which will be unique to each one of us. I pray that you will slow down to ask Him a question and then wait patiently for His response. And just because you don’t hear Him after your first try, don’t give up. Keep trying. He wants to speak to you and He wants you to develop the discipline of slowing down to making time to listen to Him.

Can I pray for you?

Father God, I pray for Your Holy Spirit to teach each person who is reading this how to more clearly hear your voice. I pray You will encourage their hearts and let them know that they are deeply loved and that they already hear from You, they just didn’t realize  it was Your voice. Teach them, Holy Spirit. Guide each person in their individual quiet times to know You better. Amen.


Here are two resources to help you increase your ability to hear from God. I hope you are as blessed by these as I have been.

1.  Graham Cooke’s blog entitled, Brilliant Perspectives is the best resource I know about for how to truly repent by transforming your thinking. Here’s a sample of one of Graham’s blogs: BrilliantPerspectives.com. Be sure to check out his other blog posts, too. Just about all of them teach and encourage us how to transform our minds to attain God’s brilliant perspective on our situations.

2.  I just finished reading “Hosting the Presence” by Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. This is an awesome book on how to host the Presence of God in your own heart, what that looks like, and how that affects your surroundings. He also talks hosting God’s Presence as a church body. He gives lots of examples from his own life and ministry. “Hosting the Presence” on Amazon.com.

To read about the flip side of the rain/drought issue, check out my blog  entitled, The California Drought. Is There a Spiritual Connection?

I’d love to hear your comments or questions in the comments below.












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