Need A Fresh Perspective on A Bleak Situation?

When things look bleak, we need to stop and ask God what He has to say about our situation. Because sometimes we’re seeing things from one perspective, but God’s view is totally different, and usually a lot more positive.

Last week while praying for a friend, I heard these words in my head. I sensed Jesus was speaking to him through me.

I pray you, too, are encouraged by this.

Rest My child.
Rest in Me. (Heb. 3:19-4:2)
Do not let thoughts from the enemy trouble you.
I AM with you.
If you truly believe I have come,
that I died for you,
that I rose from the dead to free you from sin and death,
if you truly believe I am the Son of God,
and that I am Emmanuel who is WITH you,
then what could you possibly be afraid of?
Am I not greater than Satan? (1 John 4:4)
Did I not conquer death and Hades? (Rev. 1:18)
I have the keys of the kingdom (Rev. 1:18, Mt. 16:19)
and I live inside of you!
What do you have to fear?
I LOVE you. You!
You are my Beloved child.
Rest in Me.

Throw off all thoughts that try to set themselves up against my Word.
Take every thought captive. Don’t believe Satan’s lies;
they’re just a bunch of hot air. (2 Cor. 10:4-6)
Think about ME.
Gaze on my goodness.
Daydream about my throne room and your position
seated with me in heavenly realms. (Eph. 2:6)
Allow your thoughts of me to grown and expand to fill your days.
This will shrink the enemy’s piddly darts and render them ineffective.
You are mine.
Set your gaze on Me.

I know things are hard for you right now.
Focus on my Word and feed on my spiritual food.
I will satisfy your hungry soul with bread from heaven.
Drink the water that I give you from My Word.
My Words will quench your thirst like no other water can;
My Word saturates your parched soul and reaches deep into your bones,
for I am the true Bread of Life and the True Living Water.
So do not fear, Beloved.
Rest in Me.
Trust in Me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

It’s time to evict the enemy, and do what the Lord is calling us to do. How? By gazing on God’s throne. Focusing on who He is and what Jesus offers us.

I pray God will bless you with the truth of who Jesus really is and that He will move that knowledge from your head to your heart.





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